So to resolve this problem you must fix out the header of the Gridview or HtmlTable when you are scrolling down. Below is the code to do this i.e to fix Header.
Create Style sheet :
div#gridPanel { width:900px; overflow:scroll; position:relative; } div#gridPanel th { top: expression(document.getElementById("gridPanel").scrollTop-2); left:expression(parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.scrollLeft); position: relative; z-index: 20; }
top: expression(document.getElementById("gridPanel").scrollTop-2);
left: expression(parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.scrollLeft); Above line of code Gives the Top and Left coordinates of the TH tag which will be generated for the Header inside the Gridview or HtmlTable. We are using the expression tag to dynamically assign the values through JavaScript when you scroll down.
Z-index: 20
This line of css class cause the the header row to remain on top with respect to the normal rows.
Aspx Page
So after adding style sheet your aspx page look like below.
<div height="200px" id="gridPanel" runat="server" scrollbars="Auto" width="100px"> grid view
Right now its id specific but you can use this for multiple gridview or htmltable by using Jquery.