In this post I am going to discuss about comparing the date part of the datetime in linq query. In linq query its easy to perform datetime comparison how to compare only date not time part of datetime filed of your entity.
Let have coloseure look, In Sql Server one can do something like as below to just compare date part of the field.
Linq Queires
Following discussion about doing same task using linq queries.
Solution 1:
First way to achieve same thing (i.e. comparing date part) of entity or object is following
Here Date property of DatTime used to get only date part of datetime property and made use of DateTime.Compare function to get matching object.
But the problem with this approach when make use of EnityFramework i.e. Linq To Entity , its gives following error at runtime
The specified type member 'Date' is not supported in LINQ to Entities. Only initializers, entity members, and entity navigation properties are supported.
so to avoid above error in Linq to Entity query is modified to following
So in above query first data is get fetched from the database and than on list date comparison get applied. But the problem with this approach is need to load all data first than the date comparison get applied because entityframework doesn't support direct query.
Solution 2:
One more easy and simple solution to just compare datet part of datetime object is as following
Let have coloseure look, In Sql Server one can do something like as below to just compare date part of the field.
SELECT * FROM dbo.tbl_MyTable WHERE CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(10), DateTimeValueColumn, 102) AS DATE) = CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(10),GETDATE(),102) AS DATE)So in above query convert function did task of removing time part and only date part comparison happens.
Linq Queires
Following discussion about doing same task using linq queries.
Solution 1:
First way to achieve same thing (i.e. comparing date part) of entity or object is following
var data = context.t_quoted_value.Where(x => x.region_name == "Hong Kong" && DateTime.Compare(x.price_date.Value.Date, dt.Date) == 0) .ToList();
Here Date property of DatTime used to get only date part of datetime property and made use of DateTime.Compare function to get matching object.
But the problem with this approach when make use of EnityFramework i.e. Linq To Entity , its gives following error at runtime
The specified type member 'Date' is not supported in LINQ to Entities. Only initializers, entity members, and entity navigation properties are supported.
so to avoid above error in Linq to Entity query is modified to following
var data = context.t_quoted_value.Where(x => x.region_name == "Hong Kong") .ToList() .Where (x=> DateTime.Compare(x.price_date.Value.Date, dt.Date) == 0) .ToList();
So in above query first data is get fetched from the database and than on list date comparison get applied. But the problem with this approach is need to load all data first than the date comparison get applied because entityframework doesn't support direct query.
Solution 2:
One more easy and simple solution to just compare datet part of datetime object is as following
var data1 = context.t_quoted_value.Where(x => x.region_name == "Hong Kong" && x.price_date.Value.Year == dt.Year && x.price_date.Value.Month == dt.Month && x.price_date.Value.Day == dt.Day).ToList();its query use the year,month and day property of datetime object to compare date. Advantage of this solution is this is compatible with all flavor of Linq i.e. it works in linq to sql, linq to object and also in linq to enitity.
So the post is useful when you need to compare only date part of datetime property in Linq queries.
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