Showing posts with label JAVASCRIPT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JAVASCRIPT. Show all posts

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Different Kind of for loop construct in JavaScript/TypeScript

For Loop is very basic type of loop exist in all programming language. For loops allows to go over each items in iterable objects and allows to access each item of iterable objects. Each programming language provide different type of for loop to achieve purpose of iterating over iterable object and access each element to perform operation.

All programming language provide for loop (for(int i=0; i< array.length; i++)) i.e. indexed based and ForEach ( foreach(var ele in array)) i.e. element base.

But JavaScript/ TypeScript provides different type of for loops apart from basic once. Below are 4 different kind of JavaScript/ TypeScript

1. for
One of the most used and basic for loop to allows iterate block of code for predefined number.

for (statement 1; statement 2; statement 3) {
    code block to be executed

Example code :
const array = [1,10,6,45,32];
for(let i=0;i< array.length;i++) {

Above code shows one example how to use it, code prints each array item by rotating from 0 up to array length. Above example made using array of numbers but in real application one can create for loop just by setting numbers and execute block of code repeatedly for predefined numbers. So this loop is not restricted for iterables only.

2. for..of
allows to go over each item in iterable (Ex. like array, string, Map, Set, etc.)

for (variable of iterable) {

Example code :
const array = [1,10,6,45,32];
for (const element of array) {

Above code does same thing as for loop code discussed above, go though each element of array and print.
But difference is for...of loop works only on the iterable objects and for each element of iterable, where as in basic for loop one externally need to set predefined number like from and to to execute block of code. So it helpful when want to execute on each element or by using each element of iterable.

Angular framework also have structural directive calle *ngFor for displaying data. Read more : Dynamic Html Structure with - *ngIf, *ngFor & ngSwitch

3. For In
allows to iterate over each property of object. This loop is different then other loops as it allows to go though object properties.

for (variable in object) {

Example code:
const obj = { a : 1, b: 'Xyz', c:'123'};
for(let prop in obj) {
 console.log(prop +' : '+  obj[prop]);

code above prints each object property and value of it. Below is use cases when very helpful.
  • Loop is useful when object structure is unknown (When object received as response from external api http call) and there is need of go through each property of object and display it.
  • It also useful when there is indexed (interface, class) object in type script and there is need of go through each indexed item without knowing key.
    interface Product {
        [key: number]: string;
    let products : Product = { };
    for(let key in products) {
     console.log(key + ' : ' + products[key]);

4.  forEach(ele=> {} );
allows to iterate over each item in array and  execute function for each element in iterable.

arr.forEach(function callback(currentValue[, index[, array]]) {
    //your iterator
}[, thisArg]);

Example code:
const array = [1,10,6,45,32];
array.forEach((element,index)=> {
 console.log(index +' ' +element);

Above code execute function for each element of array and prints element value & index of element in array.
Different from basic for is,  execute function for each element without knowing size of iterable & improves redability and difference from and for..of  is also allows to get index of each element which is not possible in for..of.

Wrapping up
Javascript/typescript provides 4 different which can be useful in different way based on simplicity & redablity of code , performance of loop and sometimes based on situation like used for go through each property of object or each index of indexed class/interface..